whats up kid
hey buddy
how's it goin
pretty good, just visitin the folks in kippy
i have a good topic for us to discuss, a couple actually
first one: thoughts on PK Subban's personality
complete dickhead
it's awesome you think that way, because i disagree
shall we get this started?
get it started yo
well I think Subban is great
He is charismatic, he plays really hard, and I think what people see as a lack of respect is actually him being cocky, and playing like he's the best
he flies around the ice
and he talks shit
your turn
I think Mike Richards hit the nail on the head a few months ago...gotta give respect to get it in the league, and really I don't think he's shown any to anybody
that being said, he does provide a bit of character to a habs team that has completely changed identity in the last 2 years
See that's actually a problem i have with the whole NHL
anyone with a big personality is shut down
The most popular young players include Stamkos, Toews, and your boy Richards
haha Toews...Mr. Personality
three of the most boring possible people, especially in the case of Richards and Toews
I feel like in the NHL they force you to be a boring cliche answers robot
There are no great personalities. I mean a jackass like Avery needs to keep his mouth shut, but I don't think Subban has actually disrespected anyone
i think you're comparing apples to oranges there man....I think that "boring" personality you talk about works extremely well for those 2 players that are in a leadership role
That's true, they have a role they need to fill.
And admittedly Subban isn't in that role
Captains shouldnt let their emotions get the best of them, and thats probably precisely why Richards and Toews are captains
Subban's a character, plain and simple...he has a role to fill, and he fills it well...Avery's the same
See, I think people are too quick to throw them in the same category
I love the way that Avery plays
Subban is loud, and kind of a comedian.
Oh ya, gotta agree with that, but he's obviously disrespecting.
I don't think Subban really disrespects anyone, he just doesn't suck up.
probably yips just as much as crosby did in his first 2 years
But with way more charisma
Crosby was crying. I have since forgiven him for crying, because he is obviously awesome.
for sure
personally, I'm not sold on Subban yet, but if I had to pick one team in the league that he would fit in well and the fans would respond the same, I'd have to say it would be the Habs
I think he'd be great in Toronto too hahaha
although I'd hate him, simply because of the team he plays for.
Montreal: Toronto's media hungry younger sister
adopted French sister
Yup. Sibling rivalry.
I'm a firm believer that sometimes teams should sacrifice a little talent for fan favorite character types, and i'm not saying by any means Subban lacks in talent, but he fits into the scheme of things there
Max Lapierre is an asshole too, but he fits in to montreal just as much
You make a great point, one I agree with. It fits into what we said about Detroit last time.
A team needs a personality fans love.
BIggest difference between Avery and PK:
a GM doesn't want the best players on his team, he wants the RIGHT players
People who love the Rangers can hate Avery, but every Montreal-er loves Subban
the minute Subban decides to throw cheap shots and diving on the ice, then we can question his character haha
Exactly. As long has he doesn't play dirty I'm cool with whatever he's up to.
let's focus on the biggest issue at hand here:
Subban, along with his Habs lost to the Flames last night haha
and now the Flames have jumped to a tie for 5th in the west haha
Oh boy, yes, that's a great transition to another great topic. What the hell is happening there?
And who knew Bredan Morrison would be so damn... well... fantastic?
hahaha theres a good handful of players on the team I never thought would work out so well this year
Jokinen looks like he's skating with a new step
Gotta remember, with Florida he had a few seasons when he got 90 points I think.
the flames are in the worst possible position of any team in the league though
a team on the uprise should be buying players to push them into the playoffs, but Cgy is so close to the cap that it makes more sense to deal away players, which could ruin chemistry
and do they really have the team to be successful in the playoffs? I think keeping the team together is the only option (you make a couple million dollars per home playoff game), but that could ruin them for the future
i really don't know if they can go deep in the playoffs, but you can't deny that they've completely turned things around in the last 20-25 games
It's ridiculous
a guy like Tanguay who is playing unreal will be a UFA, so do you hold on to him for playoffs, or trade away for some picks?
Ya, his value is as high now as it ever will be again
same with Morrison, and Glencross.
Tanguay isn't just one player either, if he goes, so does a piece of Iggy's game
what do you predict they will do?
hold on to him probably...if they didn't have a 1st round pick this year it might be a different story
I think they should just keep their whole team together and see what they can do with this magic
see how long they can run with it
i agree...hopefully this new GM Jay Feaster is less of a gamble than Darryl Sutter was...this time last year they traded away half their team
gotta run though dude
alright man
have a good time in Klipling
just leavin now haha...talk to ya later man
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